

主演:Bulut Akkale Ece Baykal Reyhan 

导演:Alper Mestçi 

简介:  A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turne...


关键词:西辛2免费在线观看 西辛2高清完整版 西辛2高清无删减观看 最新评分「4.0」西辛2免费播放 西辛2剧情简介

剧情:恐怖片《西辛2》讲述了  A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincidence or a matter of death and life rather a malignant black magic has been hatched to hunt their family.

简介:《西辛2》是由Alper Mestçi 导演的一部恐怖片,西辛2在其它首映,并在2015第一时间上映,主要演员有Bulut Akkale Ece Baykal R 等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供西辛2全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,西辛2现更新至HD。



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