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主演:弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛 阿尔贝·普雷让 莉塞特·朗万 夏尔·瓦内尔 罗兰·图坦 西尔维娅·巴塔耶 让-路易斯·巴劳特 罗伯特·勒维冈 玛尔戈·利翁 

关键词:珍妮免费在线观看 珍妮高清完整版 珍妮高清无删减观看 最新评分「0.0」珍妮免费播放 珍妮剧情简介

剧情:爱情片《珍妮》讲述了Jenny" inaugurates the famous series of movies which made Marcel Carné one of the most brilliant directors of the era.From 1936 to 1946,with scenarist Jacques Prévert (and once with Henri Jeanson)he created what the critics called the "réalisme poétique".One should note that Carné himself used to hate this label.But who cares when you deal with such works as "quai des brumes" "le jour se lève " and "les enfants du paradis" ,to name but three? Jenny (Françoise Rosay) is a madam,and when her daughter comes back from England,she does not want her to find out what her job is really like.The plot is rather melodramatic and a bit cheesy,but the cast,including Jean-Louis Barrault,Charles Vanel and Robert Le Vigan is first-rate .A dirty world ,which is compared to the silt at the bottom of muddy waters.And as Jenny's final line says :"when you're at the bottom,you've got to stay at the bottom".

简介:《珍妮》是由马塞尔·卡尔内 导演的一部爱情片,珍妮在法国首映,并在1936第一时间上映,主要演员有弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛 阿尔贝·普雷让 莉塞特·朗万  等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供珍妮全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,珍妮现更新至1080P。



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